Amazon Jaguar Adventure

about us


Founder & Manager
Welcome to

Amazon Jaguar Adventure

Hello, my name is Bayron Manuyama. I am the founder of the Amazon Jaguar Adventure Company.
I was born on the banks of the Nanay River, a tributary of the mighty Amazon, in the beautiful village of Padrecocha.
Padrecocha is a quiet, beautiful, century-old village surrounded by three rivers and was first settled by people of the Kukama ethnic group.
My Kukama ancestors came here in search of a better life for their children.
After the terrible rubber boom in the Amazon, which wiped out the Amazon tribes, more people from the Bora, Yaguas, Shuar and other ethnic groups came to settle in my community, enriching the Amazonian heritage of Padrecocha.
We, the proud young descendants of these people, want to recover and revalue the legacy of our ancestors to share it with compassionate people from all over the world.
Welcome to the Amazonia amigas y amigos! Tayrakana Kukama Uka!

Amazon Jaguar Adventure

our team

Ricardo Manuyama

Head Guide

Junior Pizango
Head Guide

Bayron Manuyama

Head guide & trip specialist
Amazon Jaguar Adventure

no stories, facts only


happy travelers


completed tours




social & environmental impact